When I first started working as a speech language pathologist, I packed up a bag with toys and went out into the world, hoping that the shiny objects I carried from home to home would make language magic happen.
Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.
One of the biggest mistakes I see parents and other professionals making is thinking that what they have seen work for one child is a solution for every child.

This just isn’t true.
Just like adults, each child comes with their own personality and learning style. These little humans start to reveal themselves as early as 4-5 months. As a parent, it is important to know what your little one’s learning style is so that you can decide:
- how to speak to your child so that they learn language
- which toys to introduce to get your child speaking fast
- how to motivate your child to continue to grow
Knowing your child’s learning style will also help you to adjust expectations for language learning and worry less about whether or not your baby is on track.
If you are interested in learning more about your child’s learning style, you’re in luck because I’ve created a simple quiz that you will be able to complete in less than two minutes.
After completing the quiz, you will find out if you have: a shy child, a relaxed child, an entertainer, or an explorer. Then, you’ll get step by step instructions on how to optimize your child’s language learning experience.