Babble Bootcamp

“My child’s not talking!”

Every day, I hear from worried parents that their child isn’t speaking…and they didn’t qualify for early intervention.

You’re not alone.
You shouldn’t wait and see.
Get the help you need now at a price that works

Learn how to guide your child from coos and babbles to imitation using a scientifically proven coaching program for caregivers led by a renowned speech therapist!

Get all the tools you need  to get your child talking in 8 weekly sessions that include video feedback from a speech and development expert

In just 20 minutes…


Make it FUNctional

See how to make everyday routines (bathtime! diaper changes! mealtime!) a chance to build language.


Learn the building blocks of language to make sure your child gets on track and stays ahead of the curve

Get Expert Advice

Get feedback from a child development expert on the spot, so you can make sure you’re maximizing every opportunity!

“I am so happy to KNOW WHAT TO DO when we play together!”

“It’s very easy to fall into convenience/survival parenting, especially during the pandemic. I am so happy to have the push to do more with my son.” – Sarah, Mom of 15-month-old

Build from the bottom up

Hey there! I’m Jocelyn.

As a new mom, I’m right there with you. It’s hard to know what to do and you’re doubting every decision…

I get it. I’m here for you. Over the past 15 years, I have been working with families to teach their children to speak.

Of course, everything changed when the child was my own!

I’m here to teach you the research-based strategies I use with my infant, which have worked for hundreds of other babies.

Babble Bootcamp will meet you where you’re at and teach you:

  • why joint attention is so important
  • the difference between cooing and babbling
  • how to get your child imitating
  • …and so much more