Pacifier Use and Speech Delay: What an SLP Wants You to Know
As a parent, I know we all want what is best for our children, especially when it comes to their speech and language development. If you’re wondering about the connection between pacifier use and speech delay, you’re not alone. As a speech-language pathologist,...

50 Best Toys for Language Development
As a pediatric speech-language pathologist, I’m often asked about the best toys for boosting children's language development--especially around the holidays. Toys are more than just fun; they can help language development by: encouraging communication building...

Help your child say their first words
As parents, one of the most special experiences we have is when a child says their first words. What the child says and when that happens is largely dependent on their individual learning style and how they are exposed to language. When do first words happen? As with...

Expert Review: Best Highchairs of 2023
As a speech and feeding expert, I have always weighed in on the best highchairs. I was looking for the highchair that would be the best for helping my clients sit with families at the table, while also maintaining proper 90-90-90 alignment (hips, knees, ankles) for...

10 Ways to Focus on Developmental Milestones in the First Year
The first year of a baby's life is filled with many developmental milestones. These milestones are important markers of a baby's growth and development and can help parents and caregivers understand what to expect during each stage of their child's life. As a speech...

Hi, I’m Jocelyn M. Wood, Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist and child development expert.
I’m here to show you how to bring out your child’s unique voice using simple, easy to follow strategies that work for you and your family.
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